Advice: Stop watching News Channels in the Election year
If you are an aware person, you should know by now that most tv news channels have their affiliations with political parties. Some have direct links like Republic. Some indirect through Ambani ownership. Some are scared so they toe the line of the government. Some could idealogically be on the opposite spectrum so they have their own inherent bias. The point is, no matter what it is you are watching on a news channel in 2018, you are not getting a fact based 100% news of what is happening.
In the year running upto the election it becomes dangerous to watch these channels because they can create a very muddled picture. You can falsely be under the impression about what is happening in this country. There is a disntinct danger of it influencing how people vote in 2019. Unfortunately, it is a herculean task to get all the right information since it is scattered on different websites and people who provide them.
This is why it is best to go back to the good old Newspapers. Our generation unfortunately is not in the habit of reading it regularly. My advice, read only the newspaper and skip the tv news altogether. You do not need “BREAKING NEWS” a 100 times for the same story as it breaks. Even on the 100th attempt they probably dont get it right. Wait until the next day to know what happened. If it is really that exclusive, I am sure you will hear about it even without watching the news.
This is not to say Newspapers do not have their biases. They do but at least you get to see a great percent of the news as facts peacefully.