This page is dedicated to the humans we find everyday on our roads. Today we see the enlightening stories of 3 people.
Audhi Hassan
I come from a rich family. It has always been a difficult life for me. Every day in the morning it is a struggle not knowing which car to chose to ride. When I was 17, my father trashed me because I went out in a Santro. He felt I should have gone out in an Audi. That moment inspired me to never settle. So I always go out in Audi. My father wants me to do something to grab attention of the people and become famous. Before there used to be only a few Audi but now there are many so I grab attention through speeding and honking on the roads. When I do that I see a lot of people look at me with love and they shout at me wanting to meet me and talk to me. I make my father proud.
Kow Sharma
I come from a family of milk suppliers. We have 100 cows and buffaloes. As a Kid I grew up with them. I used to walk with them when they went on their daily strolls through our roads. At first the traffic scared me but after seeing them walk on the roads I learned their style. When I am on the roads, I ask myself what would a cow/buffalo do here. My inner cow tells me I need to ignore the sign and drive on the wrong side and save 25 seconds. Listening to my inner cow/buffalo has changed my life.
John Lighthouse
I came to Hyderabad when I was 6 years old. My life took a major turn when I was 21 and I got a job in a software company. My life was sucked out of me on a daily basis. I became restless and impatient. One day, as I contemplated enjoying my job, I met a swamiji under a bridge. He was naked and saw a red light and ran into the traffic. A priest nearby commented that the swamiji found gods light and was on his way to heaven. Since then I follow any light that I see. Whether it is red or green or yellow. People stop at red lights because they do not understand it as a guiding light.