Hyderabad — Here is how you can help!

2 min readApr 23, 2021


I have many rants to write on the hellhole that we are in right now but decided this is the better thing to do.

So if you are in Hyderabad and are looking at the current state of things and wondering what or how can you help? Here are a few useful resources.

Rather than see the details and pass it on, call the hospital/Donor/Supplier yourself and confirm if they have what you are looking for. You and I have time. The ones looking for the bed /oxygen/plasma do not.

Hospital Beds

If someone is looking for hospital beds, then there are a few ways to see the latest information

Official website —

Twitter is another useful place to see the latest availability. You can quickly scan through the dashboard on Sprinklr

Or you search on twitter using this link

Beds and ICU Hyderabad Twitter search

or you can follow a few people on twitter who are helping with beds in Hyderabad like



If you need plasma, all the official help numbers are listed here

Plasma Contacts Hyderabad

But once again, twitter may be more helpful in finding latest verified donors. Use this link

Plasma Search Twitter

Once again the sprinklr dashboard will also help. Link above!

General useful links that have dashboards to quickly search for stuff or are already curating information for you



If you want to donate money, food, or anything then this is the best link to find the different type of verified donations available and who and what it will help.

List of Donations


You get the drift by now.

List of Oxygen suppliers Hyderabad

Twitter search for Oxygen

Sprinklr Dashboard. Link above or here — Sprinklr

Lastly, If you need any other information that you are not able to find, send a message to me on twitter @ramakanthwrites or on instagram @themooopoint and ill do my best to see if I can find that information for you.

Any other links you think are useful that need to be added here ? Please drop a message or contact on the above links via twitter or instagram.




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